10 Top Amazon Parrot Species As Pets

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Written By Esrat Jahan

Esrat is a well-regarded animal rescue expert and writer with nearly a decade of experience in animal advocacy. Esrat is the former editor of Tails Pet Magazine and volunteers in animal rescue, including Chicago’s Anti-Cruelty Society and Starfish Animal Rescue.

The Southern Mealy Amazon is the friendliest and calmest Amazon parrot species to keep as a pet. They form strong bonds with their owners and are known for their gentle and docile nature.

Amazon parrots are a popular choice as pets, but not all species are suitable for beginners. The temperamental and extroverted nature of these birds requires proper knowledge and handling. Some common Amazon parrot species kept as pets include the Yellow-Headed Amazon, Yellow-Naped Amazon, and Turquoise-Fronted Amazon.

The Panama Amazon is a good family bird that loves interacting with people, while the Lilac-Crowned Amazon is known for its mild-mannered and gentle temperament. The Yellow-Naped Amazon Parrot is considered the best talker among Amazon parrot species. Each species has its own unique characteristics, so it’s important to research and choose the one that best suits your preferences and lifestyle.

10 Top Amazon Parrot Species As Pets

Top 10 Amazon Parrot Species For Pets

Welcome to our guide on the top 10 Amazon parrot species suitable as pets. If you are considering adding an Amazon parrot to your family, it’s essential to choose the right species that matches your lifestyle and preferences. In this article, we will explore the wonderful characteristics of each of these top 10 Amazon parrot species.

Yellow-headed Amazon

The yellow-headed Amazon is a popular choice among bird enthusiasts due to its vibrant yellow plumage and outgoing personality. These parrots are known for their exceptional talking ability and intelligence, making them a fascinating companion for pet owners.

Yellow-naped Amazon

The yellow-naped Amazon is highly regarded for its striking appearance, featuring a yellow patch on the back of its neck. These parrots are known to be highly intelligent, social, and affectionate. They are great at mimicking human speech and can form strong bonds with their owners.

Turquoise-fronted Amazon

The turquoise-fronted Amazon is recognized for its beautiful turquoise-colored feathers on its forehead. This species is known for its playful and affectionate nature, making it an excellent choice for families or individuals seeking an engaging and loving pet.

Panama Amazon

The Panama Amazon, a subspecies of the Yellow-Headed Amazon, is a friendly and people-oriented pet. This parrot loves to interact with its owners and thrives on socialization. It is an excellent choice for those seeking a social and interactive companion.

White-fronted Amazon

The white-fronted Amazon is a charming and delightful bird. It is known for its playful personality and amusing antics. These parrots form strong bonds with their owners and enjoy being the center of attention.

Lilac-crowned Amazon

The lilac-crowned Amazon is a smaller parrot known for its mild-mannered and gentle nature. Despite its smaller size, this species possesses a big personality and makes a wonderful companion for individuals seeking a calmer and more low-maintenance pet.

Red-crowned Amazon

The red-crowned Amazon is a visually striking species with its vibrant red head and green body. These parrots are highly intelligent and enjoy mental stimulation through interactive toys and puzzles. They are known for their playful and curious natures.

Southern Mealy Amazon

The Southern Mealy Amazon is known for its gentle and docile temperament, making it one of the most friendly and affectionate Amazon parrots. It forms strong bonds with its owners and thrives on human interaction.

Red-lored Amazon

The Red-lored Amazon is a highly sociable and outgoing parrot species. It enjoys being the center of attention and craves daily interaction with its owners. These parrots are also known for their exceptional talking abilities.

Yellow-crowned Amazon

The yellow-crowned Amazon is an intelligent and inquisitive species. These parrots are known for their remarkable problem-solving skills and ability to learn new tricks and commands. With proper socialization, they can become loyal and loving pets.


10 Top Amazon Parrot Species As Pets

Characteristics And Traits Of Each Amazon Parrot Species

Discover the unique characteristics and traits of each of the top 10 Amazon parrot species that make them ideal as pets. From the friendly and docile Southern Mealy Amazon to the mild-mannered Lilac-Crowned Amazon, each species offers a distinct personality and interaction style.

Explore the wide variety of Amazon parrots and find the perfect feathered companion for your home.

Yellow-headed Amazon: Personality, Behavior, And Care

The yellow-headed Amazon is a remarkable parrot species known for its vibrant yellow head and green body. These birds are highly intelligent, making them quick learners. They have a playful and outgoing personality and are always eager to interact with their owners. To ensure their well-being, the yellow-headed Amazons require mental stimulation and regular socialization. Apart from daily interaction, providing them with toys and puzzles will keep their minds engaged. A balanced diet consisting of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and high-quality pellets is essential to maintaining their health.

Yellow-naped Amazon: Talking Ability And Socialization

The yellow-naped Amazon is famous for its exceptional talking ability. These parrots have a remarkable talent for mimicking human speech and sounds. With proper training and socialization, they can develop an extensive vocabulary. These birds thrive on attention and human interaction and can be quite cuddly. Additionally, they enjoy being part of social gatherings, which should be taken into account when considering them as pets. Regular mental and physical stimulation is crucial for their well-being.

Turquoise-fronted Amazon: Unique Features And Diet

Turquoise-fronted Amazons are distinguished by their bright turquoise feathers on the top of their heads and vibrant green bodies. They are known for their friendly nature and love for socializing with their human companions. One unique trait of these parrots is their preference for a specific diet consisting of palm nuts. Along with a variety of fruits, vegetables, and pellets, including palm nuts in their diet is essential to meet their dietary requirements and promote overall health.

Panama Amazon: A Family-friendly Companion

The Panama Amazon, a subspecies of the Yellow-Headed Amazon, is an excellent choice for families. Known for their friendly and affectionate nature, these birds love interacting with people and are generally good around children. They are easy to train and enjoy learning new tricks. Regular socialization is essential to keep them happy and mentally stimulated. Providing them with a spacious cage and plenty of toys ensures they have a comfortable living environment.

White-fronted Amazon: Temperament And Interaction

White-fronted Amazons are renowned for their friendly and outgoing temperament. These parrots enjoy interacting with their human companions and can form strong bonds with them. They are social birds and thrive on attention and interaction. Regular mental stimulation, such as puzzle toys and teaching them new commands, is essential to keeping them engaged. Providing a varied diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and pellets is crucial for their well-being.

Lilac-crowned Amazon: gentle and mild-mannered

Lilac-crowned Amazons are known for their gentle and mild-mannered nature. These parrots are generally calm and easygoing, making them suitable for households with a relaxed atmosphere. They enjoy being part of a routine and can be quite affectionate towards their owners. Regular socialization is crucial to avoid any behavioral issues. Providing them with a spacious cage and enrichment activities like puzzle toys keeps their minds stimulated.

Red-crowned Amazon: Behavior And Training

Red-crowned Amazons are famous for their lively and animated behavior. These parrots are highly intelligent and have a knack for problem-solving. They require mental stimulation and regular training to prevent boredom and promote their well-being. These birds have a strong bonding tendency with their owners and can become quite affectionate. A balanced diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and high-quality pellets is crucial for their overall health.

Southern Mealy Amazon: Docile And Affectionate

The southern, mealy Amazon is known for its docile and affectionate nature. These parrots form strong bonds with their owners and crave their attention. They are gentle and calm, making them suitable for families and households with a relaxed environment. Providing them with regular socialization and mental stimulation ensures their well-being. These birds require a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and pellets to maintain their health.

Red-lored Amazon: Vocalization And Behavior

Red-lored Amazons are known for their impressive vocalization abilities. These parrots have a naturally loud and resonant voice and enjoy expressing themselves. They can become quite vocal at certain times of the day. However, with proper training and socialization, their vocalization behavior can be managed. These birds require regular mental stimulation and interaction to keep them happy and engaged. A balanced diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and pellets is crucial for their overall health.

Yellow-crowned Amazon: intelligence and adaptability

Yellow-crowned Amazons are highly intelligent birds known for their problem-solving skills. They have excellent adaptability and can adjust well to new environments. These parrots thrive on mental stimulation and require regular interaction with their owners. Providing them with a variety of toys and training exercises keeps them mentally stimulated. A balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and pellets is essential for their health and well-being.

10 Top Amazon Parrot Species As Pets

Frequently Asked Questions On 10 Top Amazon Parrot Species As Pets

What Is the Friendliest Amazon Parrot?

The Southern Mealy Amazon is the friendliest Amazon parrot, forming strong bonds with their owners and being gentle and affectionate as pets.

What Is the Calmest Amazon Parrot?

The southern mealy Amazon is known as one of the calmest Amazon parrots. They are social, gentle, and can form strong bonds with their owners. They are usually quiet but can be loud at dusk and dawn. In captivity, they are known to be docile and gentle.

What Is the Most Common Amazon Parrot?

The most common Amazon parrots kept as pets are the yellow-headed amazon, yellow-naped amazon, and turquoise-fronted amazon.

Which Amazon Parrot is Best for Beginners?

The best Amazon parrot for beginners is the Southern Mealy Amazon. They are known for being gentle, docile, and affectionate as pets. They also form strong bonds with their owners.


When it comes to choosing the perfect Amazon parrot species as a pet, there are many wonderful options to consider. Each species has its own unique characteristics and traits that make them special. From the gentle and docile Southern Mealy Amazon to the friendly and interactive Panama Amazon, there is a parrot to fit every pet owner’s preferences.

Remember to research and understand the specific needs and temperaments of each species before making a decision. With proper care and attention, these beautiful birds can make loving and lifelong companions. Choose wisely and enjoy the joy and companionship of an Amazon parrot as your pet.

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