All About Keeping Pet Aquatic Turtles
Aquatic turtles are great alternatives to cats and dogs as pets, but it’s important
Savannah Monitor: Species Profile
The Savannah Monitor is a large, robust lizard with powerful limbs and jaws, known
Crested Gecko: Species Profile
The Crested Gecko is a unique reptile species known for its distinctive features and
The 7 Best Snake Bedding Options of 2024
The 7 best snake bedding options of 2024 include calcium sand, aspen wood, walnut
Green Snake Species Profile
The Green Snake Species Profile provides information on various green snake species, including the
Black-Throated Monitor Species Profile
The black-throated monitor is a large and playful lizard native to Tanzania, known for
Yellow-Bellied Slider: Species Profile
The Yellow-Bellied Slider, scientifically known as Trachemys scripta scripta, is a land and water
Boa Constrictor: Species Profile
The characteristics of a Boa constrictor include a tan or light brown background coloration,
Green Anole: Species Profile
The green anole is a common lizard native to the southeastern United States, known
Painted Turtles As Pets
Painted turtles are not suitable pets for children as they do not enjoy being
Red-Eared Slider: Species Profile
The red-eared slider is a medium-sized freshwater turtle species native to the south-central United
Caring for Pet Chameleons
Caring for pet chameleons requires careful attention to enclosure setup, specific lighting and heating
Bearded Dragon Behaviors
Bearded dragon behaviors include head bobbing, waving, glass surfing, hissing, beard puffing, digging, twitching,
Do Ball Pythons Make Good Pets?
Ball pythons make good pets for beginners due to their docile nature and ease
What You Need to Know About Pet Frogs
Pet frogs may seem boring, but some smaller frogs are actually quite active. However,
A Guide to Pet Geckos
A guide to pet geckos: Learn how to care for geckos as pets, including
Corn Snake Species Profile
The corn snake is distinct from other rat snakes and kingsnakes by the stripe
What Should I Feed My Red-Eared Slider Turtle?
To ensure the proper growth and health of your red-eared slider turtle, it is
Snake Species Commonly Kept As Pets
The most common snake species kept as pets include the Ball Python, Corn Snake,