Crested Gecko: Species Profile

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Written By Esrat Jahan

Esrat is a well-regarded animal rescue expert and writer with nearly a decade of experience in animal advocacy. Esrat is the former editor of Tails Pet Magazine and volunteers in animal rescue, including Chicago’s Anti-Cruelty Society and Starfish Animal Rescue.

The Crested Gecko is a unique reptile species known for its distinctive features and wide array of colors and markings. It is a mostly arboreal species that prefers to inhabit the canopy of the New Caledonia rainforests.

With the ability to jump long distances between branches, the Crested Gecko is an agile and fascinating creature. This species is nocturnal and spends the daylight hours sleeping in secure spots in high branches. Ideal substrates for Crested Geckos are those that hold humidity, such as coconut fiber or specially mixed soil substrate covered with a layer of moss or leaves.

The ideal enclosure for a Crested Gecko will include tall, broad plants to create variation in light and shade.

Crested Gecko: Species Profile


Crested Gecko Care

Crested geckos, scientifically known as Correlophus ciliatus, are fascinating reptiles popular among reptile enthusiasts. These small, arboreal creatures are native to New Caledonia and have gained popularity as pets due to their unique appearance and relatively low maintenance. Proper care is essential to ensure the health and well-being of these captivating creatures. In this article, we will discuss the important aspects of crested gecko care, including housing requirements, feeding and diet, and behavior and temperament.

Housing Requirements

Creating a suitable habitat for your crested gecko is crucial for their overall health and happiness. Here are the key housing requirements to consider:

  • Enclosure Size: A 20-gallon terrarium is an ideal size for a single adult crested gecko. However, bigger is always better when it comes to cage size, as it allows for more climbing space.
  • Substrate: Opt for a substrate that holds humidity well, such as coconut fiber or a soil substrate covered with moss or leaves.
  • Plants and Decor: Include tall, broad plants to provide variation in light and shade. Adding branches, vines, and hiding spots will create a stimulating environment for your crested gecko.
  • Temperature and Lighting: Maintain a temperature range of 72 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and a drop of a few degrees at night. Provide a UVB light source to replicate natural sunlight.
  • Humidity: Maintain a humidity level of around 60 to 80 percent to ensure proper shedding and hydration for your crested gecko.

Feeding And Diet

A balanced and nutritious diet is essential for the health and vitality of your crested gecko. Here’s what you need to know about their feeding and diet:

  • Dietary Requirements: Crested geckos are primarily insectivorous when young but transition to a fruit-based diet as adults. Offer a variety of commercially available crested gecko diets, supplemented with occasional live insects.
  • Feeding Schedule: Feed your crested gecko every other day, providing enough food to be consumed within 15 minutes.
  • Water Source: Ensure a constant supply of clean, chlorine-free water by using a shallow dish or misting the enclosure.

Behavior And Temperament

Crested geckos have unique behaviors and temperaments that make them a fascinating pet. Here are some important aspects to consider:

  • Nocturnal and Arboreal: Crested geckos are primarily active during the night and are well adapted to arboreal living. Provide ample climbing opportunities and a suitable environment for their natural behaviors.
  • Handling: While they can tolerate handling, crested geckos are generally more inclined to be observed rather than held. Avoid excessive handling to minimize stress for your gecko.
  • Communication: Crested geckos communicate through various means, including vocalizations, body language, and tail movements. Spend time observing your gecko to better understand their unique behaviors and needs.

By providing a proper habitat, offering a balanced diet, and understanding their behaviors, you can ensure the well-being of your crested gecko. Remember to maintain a clean and hygienic enclosure, perform regular health checks, and consult a reptile veterinarian for any concerns. With proper care, your crested gecko will thrive and become a delightful companion.

Crested Gecko: Species Profile


Crested Gecko: Species Profile


Frequently Asked Questions On Crested Gecko: Species Profile

What Are The Characteristics Of A Crested Gecko?

A crested gecko is a unique reptile with distinctive features like eyelashes. They come in various colors and markings. They are mostly arboreal, living in rainforest canopies. They prefer a humid environment with substrates that hold moisture. The enclosure should have tall plants for shade and light variation.

What Kind Of Environment Does A Crested Gecko Need?

Crested geckos need an enclosure with tall plants for light and shade. Ideal substrates include coconut fibre or soil covered with moss/leaves. They prefer a humid environment. They are mostly nocturnal and sleep in secure spots on high branches.

Is There Different Types Of Crested Geckos?

Yes, there are different types of crested geckos, which come in various color variations such as cream, yellow, orange, pink, red, brown, dark brown, tan, and olive. These geckos can also have different markings and patterns.

What Makes Crested Geckos Unique?

Crested geckos are unique due to their distinctive eyelashes and variety of colors and markings. They are mostly arboreal, living in rainforest canopies and have the ability to jump long distances between branches. They are nocturnal and spend daylight hours sleeping in secure spots.


The crested gecko is a unique and fascinating species that make a great pet. With their distinctive features and wide array of colors and markings, they add a touch of beauty to any reptile collection. Additionally, their low-maintenance care needs make them an ideal choice for both beginners and experienced reptile enthusiasts.

From their arboreal nature to their ability to jump between branches, crested geckos are truly special creatures. If you are looking for a captivating and easy-to-care-for reptile, the crested gecko is the perfect choice.

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