21 Fun And Popular Dog Tricks Any Dog Can Learn

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Written By Esrat Jahan

Esrat is a well-regarded animal rescue expert and writer with nearly a decade of experience in animal advocacy. Esrat is the former editor of Tails Pet Magazine and volunteers in animal rescue, including Chicago’s Anti-Cruelty Society and Starfish Animal Rescue.

Discover 21 fun and popular dog tricks that any dog can learn! These tricks range from wiping paws to jumping through hoops and can help strengthen the bond between you and your furry friend.

Whether you’re looking for practical tricks like cleaning up or just want to impress your friends with your dog’s agility, there’s something for everyone. So grab some treats and get ready to have a blast training your dog with these entertaining tricks.

From simple commands like sit and shake paw to more complex tricks like speaking or spinning, you’ll be amazed at what your dog can achieve. Let’s dive into the exciting world of dog trick training!

Fun And Popular Dog Tricks

Teaching your dog tricks is not only a great way to have fun and bond with your furry friend, but it also provides mental stimulation and helps to reinforce obedience training. In this blog post, we will explore a variety of fun and popular tricks that any dog can learn. Whether you have a puppy or a senior dog, these tricks are suitable for dogs of all ages and breeds. So, let’s dive in and discover the exciting world of dog tricks!

Keeping your home clean can be a challenge, especially if you have a furry friend running around. But did you know that you can actually teach your dog tricks that help with cleanliness? These tricks not only make your life easier but also add a touch of cuteness to your daily routine.

  • Wipe Your Paws: This simple trick not only helps to keep your floors clean but also teaches your dog good manners. By teaching your dog to wipe their paws before entering the house, you can prevent mud and dirt from being tracked inside.
  • Cleaning Paws: Similar to the “Wipe Your Paws” trick, teaching your dog to clean their own paws on a designated mat or towel can be a fun and useful trick. It helps ensure that your dog’s paws are free from debris and dirt.
  • Go to the Toilet: Though it may sound unbelievable, you can actually train your dog to go to a designated spot to relieve themselves. This trick can be incredibly helpful, especially if you have a busy schedule and can’t always take your dog outside.

Impressive tricks are not only entertaining for you and your dog but also impressive to show off to your friends and family. These tricks require some training and practice but can leave everyone in awe of your dog’s abilities.

  1. Rollover: This classic trick involves teaching your dog to roll over onto their back. It requires coordination and flexibility, making it a crowd-pleasing trick.
  2. Hoop Jump: Teaching your dog to jump through a hoop is a visually impressive trick that showcases their athleticism and agility.
  3. Handstand: Yes, you read that right! With patience and perseverance, you can actually teach your dog to stand on their front paws, creating the illusion of a handstand.

If you and your dog are up for a challenge, these unique tricks will test their intelligence and problem-solving skills. These tricks are not commonly seen but can be a great way to challenge your dog’s mental abilities.

Trick Description
Speak: Teach your dog to bark on command, allowing them to communicate with you in a fun and unique way.
Place: Train your dog to go to a designated spot and stay there until given a release command. This trick is not only useful but also useful in various situations.
Spin: Teach your dog to spin in a circle on command, showcasing their ability to follow instructions and perform precise movements.

With consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement, you can teach your dog these fun and popular tricks. Remember to break down each trick into small, manageable steps and reward your dog for their efforts. Happy training!

21 Fun And Popular Dog Tricks Any Dog Can Learn

Credit: www.pinterest.com

Tricks For Cleanliness

Discover 21 fun and popular dog tricks that any dog can learn, from wiping their paws to doing a handstand. These tricks not only entertain, but also promote cleanliness and enhance the bond between you and your furry friend.

Cleaning up after your furry friend doesn’t have to be a chore. With these tricks for cleanliness, you can make tidying up a fun and interactive experience for both you and your dog. From wiping their paws to teaching them how to show remorse, these tricks are not only practical but entertaining as well. Let’s explore two popular cleanliness tricks that any dog can learn.

Wipe Your Paws

Keep your floors clean and mud-free with this simple yet useful trick. Teaching your dog to wipe their paws before entering the house can save you from constant cleaning. Here’s how you can train them:
  1. Place a doormat or towel near the entrance of your home.
  2. With your dog on a leash, guide them to step on the doormat or towel.
  3. Use a command like “Wipe Your Paws” or “Clean Up” to associate the action.
  4. Reward your dog with praise and treats for successfully wiping their paws.
Practice this trick consistently, and soon your dog will automatically wipe their paws before entering, making your cleaning routine a breeze.

Shame On You

Add a touch of humor to your dog’s training with the “Shame on You” trick. This trick is not only entertaining but also helps reinforce good behavior. Here’s how you can teach your dog to show remorse:
  1. Hold a treat in one hand and show it to your dog.
  2. Using a stern tone, say “Shame on You” or any phrase you’d like to associate with the trick.
  3. Gently tilt your dog’s head down to mimic a guilty posture.
  4. Once your dog holds the pose, reward them with the treat.
Repeat these steps, gradually reducing your physical guidance until your dog responds to the command alone. Remember to make it a positive experience by giving them lots of praise. By incorporating these cleanliness tricks into your dog’s training routine, you can maintain a tidy home while bonding with your furry companion. Remember, consistency and positive reinforcement are key to successful training. Enjoy the process and celebrate every small achievement along the way.

Impressive Tricks

Teaching your dog impressive tricks can be a fun and rewarding experience. Not only will these tricks leave your friends and family amazed, but they also provide mental and physical stimulation for your furry friend. Here are three impressive tricks that any dog can learn:

Jump Into My Arms

Get ready to show off your dog’s agility and trust in you with the “Jump Into My Arms” trick. This trick requires your dog to leap into your arms, which is not only impressive but also an adorable sight to behold. To teach this trick:

  1. Start by standing a short distance away from your dog, with your arms outstretched.
  2. Encourage your dog to come towards you using verbal cues and gestures.
  3. Once your dog is close, give the command “Jump!” and open your arms wide.
  4. Reward your dog with praise and treats when they successfully jump into your arms.

Remember to start with small jumps and gradually increase the height as your dog becomes more comfortable and confident.


The “Toes” trick is a great way to engage your dog’s problem-solving skills and impress your friends. In this trick, your dog will learn to touch their nose to your toes on command. To teach this trick:

  • Begin by sitting on a chair or stool, with your feet bare and raised slightly off the ground.
  • Hold a treat near your toes and give the command “Toes!” in a clear and firm voice.
  • When your dog touches their nose to your toes, reward them with praise and the treat.
  • Repeat the process, gradually phasing out the treat and relying more on verbal cues.

Your dog will soon learn to associate the command “Toes” with touching their nose to your toes, earning them plenty of applause and admiration.

Army Crawl

The “Army Crawl” trick is sure to impress and is perfect for a Halloween costume or just some playful fun. In this trick, your dog will learn to crawl low to the ground, mimicking the movements of an army soldier. To teach this trick:

  1. Start by getting your dog into a lying down position.
  2. Hold a treat near the ground, close to your dog’s nose.
  3. Slowly move the treat forward, encouraging your dog to crawl towards it.
  4. As your dog crawls, give the command “Crawl” in a firm and clear voice.
  5. Reward your dog with praise and treats when they successfully complete the crawl.

With practice and patience, your dog will master the “Army Crawl” and be ready to show off their impressive new trick.

21 Fun And Popular Dog Tricks Any Dog Can Learn

Credit: www.thesprucepets.com

Unique And Challenging Tricks

Looking to take your dog’s training to the next level? These unique and challenging tricks are sure to impress everyone around you. With a little patience and consistent practice, any dog can learn these impressive skills. From mirroring your movements to performing tricks like a handstand or sword fighting, these tricks will keep both you and your furry friend entertained.

Mirroring Trick

The mirroring trick is a fun and impressive trick that will show off your dog’s ability to imitate your movements. Start by standing in front of your dog and making simple motions with your arms or legs. Encourage your dog to mimic your movements using treats and positive reinforcement. With practice, your dog will be able to mirror your movements and create a synchronized routine that will leave everyone amazed.


Hugging is a heartwarming trick that can create a special bond between you and your dog. Start by teaching your dog the “Sit” and “Stay” commands. Once your dog is comfortable with these commands, gently wrap your arms around your dog and give them a hug. Be sure to reward them with praise and treats. With time and practice, your dog will learn to enjoy and reciprocate the warm embrace.

Bow From Stand

The bow from a stand is a unique trick that will showcase your dog’s flexibility and coordination. Begin by having your dog stand upright and then lower their front end towards the ground. Encourage this movement by using a treat as a lure. When your dog has successfully bowed, reward them with praise and treats. With consistent practice, your dog will master this elegant trick.

Bow From Down

If your dog already knows how to lie down, teaching them the bow from a down position will be a breeze. Start by having your dog lie down and then encourage them to lift their front end off the ground while keeping their hind end down. Use treats as a reward and repeat the process until your dog can perform this trick effortlessly.

Sword Fighting

This trick is not only entertaining but also a great way to engage your dog’s mental and physical abilities. Start by using a soft toy or padded stick as a sword. Teach your dog to hold the sword in their mouth and engage in a playful “sword fight” with you. As always, reward your dog for their efforts and enjoy a fun-filled play session together.

21 Fun And Popular Dog Tricks Any Dog Can Learn

Credit: www.pinterest.com

Frequently Asked Questions On 21 Fun And Popular Dog Tricks Any Dog Can Learn

What Is The Hardest Trick To Teach Your Dog?

The hardest trick to teach your dog can vary, but some challenging ones include cleaning up, army crawling, giving a kiss, walking backwards, and playing fetch.

What Is The Most Common Trick A Pet Dog Can Perform?

The most common trick a pet dog can perform is “shake hands. ” It’s a simple and easy trick that many dogs can learn easily.

What Are Easy Dog Tricks To Train?

Some easy dog tricks to train include “shake paws,” “roll over,” “speak,” “place,” “shy” (covering their eyes), “bow,” and “spin. ” The first trick you can teach your dog is “sit,” which is a basic command. Trick training can help strengthen the bond between you and your pet.

What Is The First Dog Trick?

The first dog trick is “sit. ” Training your dog to sit on command is a basic and essential trick that can be easily taught with treats and consistency.


From sit to shake paw to bark on command, trick training can help strengthen the bond between you and your furry friend. Teaching your dog fun and popular tricks not only provides entertainment but also stimulates their mind and builds their problem-solving skills.

Whether it’s jumping into your arms or doing a handstand, these tricks can showcase your dog’s agility, intelligence, and trust in you. So grab some treats, be patient, and watch your pup impress everyone with their amazing tricks!

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