22 Weird Cat Behaviors You’Re Not Sure About

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Written By Esrat Jahan

Esrat is a well-regarded animal rescue expert and writer with nearly a decade of experience in animal advocacy. Esrat is the former editor of Tails Pet Magazine and volunteers in animal rescue, including Chicago’s Anti-Cruelty Society and Starfish Animal Rescue.

Cats have some uniquely weird behaviors, and we will delve into 22 of them. While cats make wonderful companions, their curious nature can often leave us wondering if their behaviors are normal or cause for concern.

From the infamous “zoomies” to head bunting and scratching furniture, we will explore these behaviors in detail. Whether you’re a cat owner looking for answers or simply curious about our feline friends, this article will provide insights into the strange yet fascinating behaviors exhibited by cats.

Understanding Cat Behavior

Curious about your cat’s weird behavior? From zoomies to head-bumping, cats have unique and interesting ways of expressing themselves. In this article, we delve into 22 unusual cat behaviors that might have you scratching your head.

The Importance Of Understanding Cat Behavior

Understanding cat behavior is crucial for any cat owner. Cats have their own unique way of communicating and expressing themselves, and knowing how to interpret their behaviors can help foster a stronger bond between you and your feline companion. By understanding why cats do what they do, you can provide a suitable environment that meets their needs and ensures their well-being.

Common Cat Behaviors And Their Meanings

Cats exhibit a range of behaviors that may seem strange or confusing to us humans. Here are some common cat behaviors and what they could mean: 1. Kneading: When a cat kneads, it is a sign of contentment and happiness. 2. Purring: Purring is a cat’s way of expressing pleasure, relaxation, or as a self-soothing mechanism. 3. Zoomies: Also known as Frenetic Random Activity Periods (FRAPs), zoomies refer to cats running around energetically. It’s a way for cats to release pent-up energy and can be seen as a playful behavior. 4. Head Bunting: When a cat rubs its head against you or any object, it is marking its territory and showing affection. 5. Blooping: Blooping is when a cat suddenly collapses and rolls over on its back. It’s a sign of trust and vulnerability, indicating that the cat feels comfortable and secure in its environment.

Abnormal Cat Behaviors And When To Worry

While most cat behaviors are normal and harmless, there are some abnormal behaviors that may indicate an underlying issue. Here are a few examples: 1. Excessive self-grooming: If your cat is constantly licking or chewing itself to the point of causing bald patches or skin irritation, it could be a sign of stress or an underlying medical condition. 2. Litter box problems: Sudden changes in your cat’s litter box habits, such as urinating outside the box or avoiding it altogether, could indicate a urinary tract infection or other health issues. 3. Changes in eating and drinking: If your cat suddenly loses its appetite or drinks excessively, it could be a sign of an underlying health problem or dental issue. It’s important to understand when to worry and seek veterinary advice if you notice any abnormal behaviors in your cat. Early detection and treatment can help prevent further complications and ensure your cat’s well-being. By understanding your cat’s behavior, you can provide the best care possible and strengthen your bond with your feline friend. Learning to interpret their actions will not only enhance your relationship but also help you create a harmonious and enriching environment for your beloved pet.
22 Weird Cat Behaviors You'Re Not Sure About

Credit: www.amazon.com

Weird Behaviors And Their Explanations

Discover the meanings behind 22 weird cat behaviors that might have left you puzzled. From head bunting to napping in small spaces, these behaviors are explained to help you understand your furry friend better.

Every cat owner has witnessed their feline companion engage in some truly strange behaviors. From running around the house like a maniac to sitting on your belongings as if claiming ownership, these mystifying actions can leave you wondering what exactly is going on in your cat’s mind. In this article, we will delve into the explanations behind some of these weird behaviors, shedding light on the mysteries of your furry friend’s antics.

Zoomies: What Causes Cats To Run Erratically?

Does your cat suddenly sprint around the house, appearing to be possessed by an otherworldly energy? This quirky behavior, aptly known as “zoomies” or “frenetic random activity periods,” can seem perplexing at first. However, it is simply your cat’s way of releasing pent-up energy. Similar to how humans might engage in physical exercise to stay active, cats utilize these spurts of wild running to expend excess energy and express their natural hunting instincts. So, the next time your cat goes zooming through your living room, rest assured that it’s just their way of having fun and staying fit.

Drinking From The Faucet: Why Do Cats Prefer It?

You may have noticed your cat’s fascination with drinking water directly from the faucet, even when there is a perfectly fine water bowl nearby. This peculiar behavior can be attributed to a few reasons. Firstly, running water from the faucet is often perceived as fresh and more appealing to cats, as they have a natural instinct to seek out running water sources in the wild. Secondly, some cats simply enjoy the tactile experience of pawing at the water and feeling the dribbles against their fur. Lastly, the sound and movement of the water can be intriguing and captivating to cats. So next time you catch your furry friend perched on the bathroom sink, let them enjoy their faucet drinking session – it’s all part of their unique charm.

Knocking Over Objects: Is It Playfulness Or Something Else?

If you’ve ever found yourself picking up knocked over objects in your home, you’re not alone. Cats have an odd penchant for knocking things off shelves and tables, leading many owners to question the motives behind this behavior. While it may seem like simple playfulness, knocking over objects can have multiple explanations. Firstly, cats are naturally curious creatures and knocking things over allows them to explore their environment and test the boundaries of objects. Additionally, this behavior can also serve as a form of attention-seeking, especially if the cat notices that their actions elicit a response from their owner. So, the next time you catch your cat engaging in some object-toppling mischief, remember that it’s all part of their feline curiosity and desire for interaction.

Napping In Small Spaces: Understanding Cat Preferences

Have you ever come across your cat wedged into impossibly tight corners or curled up in tiny boxes? Cats’ affinity for small spaces might seem odd to us, but it is actually deeply rooted in their evolutionary instincts and natural behavior. In the wild, small spaces provide a sense of security and protection, allowing cats to hide from potential predators and stalk their prey more effectively. Moreover, these enclosed spaces also provide warmth and comfort, replicating the cozy dens that cats would seek out in the wild. So, don’t be surprised if you find your furry friend snoozing in the most unexpected and cramped corners of your home – it’s their way of finding solace and tranquility.

Head Bunting: Cats’ Way Of Showing Affection

When your cat gently bumps their head against you, it’s not a sign of aggression or headbutting; it’s actually an endearing gesture known as head bunting. This behavior is a universal feline way of showing affection, trust, and marking you as part of their territory. Cats have scent glands on their heads that release pheromones, and by head bunting, they are transferring their unique scent onto you, symbolizing their love and ownership. So, the next time your cat leans in for a head bump, consider it a sweet cat expression of love and acceptance.

Blooping: What’s Behind This Unusual Cat Behavior

You may have observed your cat suddenly flopping down on their side, seemingly relaxed and content in an unusual position. This bizarre behavior, aptly named “blooping,” is another intriguing quirk of feline behavior. Blooping is typically seen in social cats who feel comfortable and safe in their environment. It is a submissive behavior where cats expose their vulnerable belly, indicating trust and relaxation. Blooping is often seen during playtime or when cats are in the presence of their favorite humans. So, if you’re lucky enough to witness your cat engaging in a blooping session, know that it’s a sign of their affection and contentment.

Sitting On Your Things: Cats’ Need For Ownership

If you’ve ever found your cat sitting on your belongings – be it your laptop, book, or even the laundry you just folded – don’t take it personally. Cats have a natural inclination to sit or lie on objects that have your scent on them. This behavior stems from their territorial instincts and the need to mark their environment. By sitting on your things, they are claiming ownership and asserting their dominance over their territory, including you and your possessions. So, take it as a compliment that your cat finds comfort and security in being close to your scent, even if it means claiming that fresh pile of laundry as their own. In conclusion, cats are enigmatic creatures with an array of strange behaviors that often leave us scratching our heads. However, by understanding the reasons behind these quirks, we can gain insight into our feline friends’ natural instincts, preferences, and unique personalities. So, embrace the weirdness and enjoy the delightful unpredictability that comes with being a cat owner.

When To Be Concerned

22 Weird Cat Behaviors You’re Not Sure About – When to Be Concerned

Cats are known for their unique and sometimes peculiar behaviors. While most of these behaviors are harmless and a natural part of being a cat, there are certain instances where you may need to be concerned. It’s important to be able to identify abnormal behavior in cats, know when to seek veterinary advice for unusual behaviors, and understand cat body language and communication.

Identifying Abnormal Behavior In Cats

Abnormal behavior in cats can be a sign that something is wrong. Here are a few red flag behaviors to watch out for:

  • Excessive self-grooming (hyperesthesia, psychogenic alopecia)
  • Accidents and other litter box problems
  • Changes in eating and drinking

If you notice any of these behaviors in your cat, it’s important to consult with a veterinarian. They can help determine the underlying cause and provide appropriate treatment or management strategies.

Seeking Veterinary Advice For Unusual Behaviors

When it comes to unusual cat behaviors, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. If you’re unsure about a certain behavior or if it seems out of the ordinary for your cat, don’t hesitate to seek veterinary advice.

Veterinarians have the expertise to evaluate your cat’s behavior and determine if there are any underlying health issues. They can also provide guidance on how to address the behavior or alleviate any discomfort your cat may be experiencing.

Understanding Cat Body Language And Communication

Cats communicate through their body language, and understanding what they’re trying to convey can help you better interpret their behavior. Here are a few key cues to look out for:

Body Language Meaning
Bunting Affection and marking territory
Zoomies Release of pent-up energy
Kneading Comfort and contentment

By familiarizing yourself with these body language cues, you’ll be able to better understand your cat’s behavior and respond appropriately.

In conclusion, it’s important to pay attention to your cat’s behavior and be aware of any abnormal or unusual actions. Identifying these behaviors, seeking veterinary advice when needed, and understanding cat body language will ensure the well-being and happiness of your feline friend.

22 Weird Cat Behaviors You'Re Not Sure About

Credit: www.thesprucepets.com

22 Weird Cat Behaviors You'Re Not Sure About

Credit: www.nationalgeographic.com

Frequently Asked Questions On 22 Weird Cat Behaviors You’re Not Sure About

What Do Cats Do When They’re Confused?

When confused, cats may meow to seek reassurance or vocalize louder due to hearing loss. It’s important to note that any significant behavior change should be checked by a vet to rule out illness or pain.

What Does It Mean When Your Cat Kneads You?

Cat kneading is a behavior where cats push in and out with their paws against a soft surface, such as your lap. It is a sign of comfort and contentment, often accompanied by purring. Kneading can also be a way for cats to mark their territory with the scent glands in their paws.

What Is A Cat Zoomies?

Cat Zoomies, also known as Frenetic Random Activity Periods (FRAPs), refer to the erratic running and play behavior exhibited by cats. It is a burst of pent-up energy and is completely normal and healthy for cats. Cats may run, jump, and playfully chase objects or each other during these Zoomies.

What Is An Abnormal Behavior In Cats?

Abnormal behavior in cats can include excessive self-grooming, litter box problems, changes in eating or drinking habits, and other noticeable behavioral changes. If you observe any of these red flag behaviors, it’s important to take your cat to the vet to ensure they are not ill or in pain.


In this blog post, we have explored 22 weird cat behaviors that may leave you puzzled. Cats are fascinating creatures with unique quirks, and understanding their behaviors can help strengthen the bond between you and your feline friend. From zoomies and head bunting to napping in small spaces, each behavior has its own meaning and purpose.

By observing and decoding these behaviors, you can better communicate with your cat and ensure their well-being. So, embrace the weirdness and enjoy the delightful mysteries of your cat’s behavior!

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